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Frequently Asked Questions - General

Can I file documents/pleadings after the office is closed?

Can I file documents/pleadings after the office is closed?

Registered users in ECF may e-file 24 hours per day. To secure the filing date, the original document must be e-filed prior to midnight, and all other rules of procedure for the District of Arizona must also be followed. Documents which are not subject to electronic filing may be filed at the Clerk's Office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays.

Does the office accept faxes?

Does the office accept faxes?

No, the District of Arizona does not accept filing by fax.

Does the U.S. District Court provide assistance to the hearing impaired?

Does the U.S. District Court provide assistance to the hearing impaired?

If you are a participant in a court proceeding or potential juror AND you have a communication disability, please contact Carlos via email or at 520-205-4245 for information regarding:

  • Who is eligible to receive assistance
  • What assistance is available
  • Interpreters
  • American Sign Language
  • Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
  • Foreign languages
  • Assisting devices and listening (enhancing) equipment

Advance notice is greatly appreciated and will facilitate proper handling of your request.

How can I determine the post-judgment interest rates?

How can I determine the post-judgment interest rates?

The post-judgment interest rate is the weekly average one-year constant maturity Treasury yield for the calendar week preceding the date of entry of the judgment. Effective December 21, 2000, the rate of interest that may be added to a judgment, subject to the provisions of 18 U.S.C. §3612, 28 U.S.C. §1961, and 40 U.S.C. §258(e)(1), shall be equal to the weekly average 1-year constant maturity Treasury yield.

To obtain the most recent rate, the Federal Reserve provides a table of Selected Interest Rates. The applicable rate may be found by scrolling down to the section entitled: “US government securities - Treasury constant maturities - 1-year.”  The most recent rate is found under the column headed “Week Ending ____.”  Historical rate data as published by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System are available at:  

How can I get a copy of the Local Rules?

How can I get a copy of the Local Rules?

Copies of the Local Rules of Practice for the District of Arizona can be downloaded from the Local Rules section of this website. They are also available at the Customer Service counter in the Clerk's Office.

How do I calculate time for filing documents?

How do I calculate time for filing documents?

Click here for a explanation of how to calculate time for filing documents.

How do I file a Notice of Removal?

How do I file a Notice of Removal?

There is a filing fee to file a Notice of Removal. Please refer to the Fee Schedule for a complete list of fees that the District of Arizona charges.  Pursuant to LRCiv 3.6 and LRCrim 1.1, the party seeking removal from another court shall file a Notice of Removal and all pleadings filed in the other court prior to the Notice of Removal. In addition to the AO Form JS-44, a Supplemental Civil Cover Sheet for Cases Removed from Another Jurisdiction is required.

How do I file pleadings under seal?

How do I file pleadings under seal?

For sealing of court records in non-sealed criminal cases, see Local Rule of Criminal Procedure 49.4 and 49.5.
For sealing of court records in unsealed civil actions, see Local Rule of Civil Procedure 5.6.

How do I get a subpoena issued?

How do I get a subpoena issued?

For a complete explanation on how to issue a deposition subpoena in a civil case, please refer to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure - Rule 45. Subpoena. Trial subpoenas (civil and criminal) may be issued in blank by the Clerk's Office and provided to parties/attorneys for completion and service. Go to subpoena form.  Criminal subpoenas for anything other than trial, must be issued by the Clerk's Office.

How do I get copies of a case?

How do I get copies of a case?

You may obtain copies of a document from the file either by coming to the Customer Service counter or sending a written request. The fee for copies through the Clerk's Office is 50 cents per page. If you need a copy of the docket or an order in a case it may be available through the computer in our Customer Service lobby. The charge is 10 cents per page if you come to the courthouse and print the document(s) from the public computer terminal. If you do not know the case number, you can look up the case number using the party name either on the public terminal or the microfiche viewer located in our Customer Service lobby. If you are unable to look up the case number in our office, you may submit a written request for a name search, along with a fee of $32.00 per name. Payment must be made in advance. If a file has been sent to the Federal Records Center for off-site storage, you may order it from Customer Service either in person or by mail. The retrieval fee is $64.00 for the first box and $39.00 for each additional box, payable in advance, to the Clerk, United States District Court. Please provide the complete case number, date filed and any other information you may have to ensure proper file retrieval. You will be notified when the file is available in the Clerk's Office for viewing. 

How do I obtain a hearing on a motion?

How do I obtain a hearing on a motion?

LRCiv 7.2(f), LRCiv 12.1 and LRCiv 56.2. Unless otherwise directed by the Court, a party desiring oral argument shall request it by placing "Oral Argument Requested" immediately below the title of such motion or the response to such motion. If oral argument is granted, notice shall be given in a manner directed by the Court.

How do I order a transcript or a CD/tape of a court hearing in a case?

How do I order a transcript or a CD/tape of a court hearing in a case?

Most court hearings are recorded by either a court reporter or by electronic means. Copies of these proceedings may be obtained as follows:

Complete instructions for ordering an electronic copy of a court hearing are included with the CD/tape ordering form.  If you have further questions, please email in Phoenix and in Tucson.  All inquiries will be responded to within one business day.  The fee for an electronic copy of a court hearing is $34.00.

Complete instructions for ordering a transcript of a court hearing are included with the transcript ordering form.  If you have further questions, please email in Phoenix and in Tucson.  All inquiries will be responded to within one business day.  Transcript Fees are as follows:

Type of Transcript Original Copy to Each Party

Each Add'l Copy to the Same Party

30-Day Transcript (Ordinary): A transcript to be delivered within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of an order. $4.40 per page $1.10 per page $0.75 per page
14-Day Transcript: A transcript to be delivered within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of an order. $5.10 per page $1.10 per page $0.75 per page
7-Day Transcript (Expedited): A transcript to be delivered within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of an order. $5.85 per page $1.10 per page $0.75 per page
3-Day Transcript: A transcript to be delivered within three (3) calendar days from receipt of an order $6.55 per page $1.30 per page $0.90 per page
Next-Day Transcript (Daily): A transcript to be delivered on the calendar day following receipt of the order (regardless of whether that calendar day is a weekend or holiday) prior to the normal opening hour of the Clerk’s Office. $7.30 per page $1.45 per page $1.10 per page
2-Hour Transcript (Hourly): A transcript of proceedings to be delivered within two (2) hours from receipt of the order. $8.70 per page $1.45 per page $1.10 per page

Realtime Transcript*: A draft unedited transcript produced by a certified realtime reporter as a by-product of realtime to be delivered electronically during proceedings or immediately following receipt of the order.

(Only Certified Realtime Reporters may charge for realtime services.)

One feed - $3.70/pg.
Two, three or four feeds - $2.55/pg.
Five or more feeds - $1.80/pg.

*A realtime "feed" is the electronic data flow from the court reporter to the computer of each party ordering and receiving the realtime translation in the courtroom.

How many copies are needed when filing?

How many copies are needed when filing?

All attorneys are required to electronically file documents through the ECF system unless the document is an exception to electronic filing. Regardless of whether or not an original document is filed electronically, a paper courtesy copy is required for certain electronic filings. To verify electronic filing, a copy of the Notice of Electronic Filing must be appended to the last page of the courtesy copy. The courtesy copy must be either post-marked and mailed directly to the judge or hand-delivered to the judge's mail box located in the courthouse.

How much time do I have to serve a summons?

How much time do I have to serve a summons?

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure - Rule 4(m) Time Limit for Service.
If service of the summons and complaint is not made upon a defendant within 90 days after the filing of the complaint, the court, upon motion or on its own initiative after notice to the plaintiff, shall dismiss the action without prejudice as to that defendant or direct that service be effected within a specified time; provided that if the plaintiff shows good cause for the failure, the court shall extend the time for service for an appropriate period. This subdivision does not apply to service in a foreign country pursuant to subdivision (f) or (j)(1). A summons for each defendant (excluding fictitious parties) in civil actions can be submitted for issuance after receiving notice confirming a civil case number and judge assignment. Attach the summons to the "Summons Submitted" event located in the "Service of Process" category. The Clerk will issue each summons and return them to the filer electronically.

Is there a charge for an answer/counterclaim?

Is there a charge for an answer/counterclaim?

No, the United States District Court does not charge a fee for answers/counterclaims. Please refer to the Fee Schedule for a complete list of fees that the District of Arizona charges.

What are the hours of operation?

What are the hours of operation?

The Clerk's Office is open from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays.

What does the case number mean?

What does the case number mean?

The case number allows easy and unique reference to specific civil and criminal cases.  It is used to identify the year the case was filed, the office in which it was filed, and the judicial officer(s) to whom it is assigned.

The use of case numbers allows for a uniform way to access case information within the federal system.

Every document filed with the court must contain reference to the proper case number. This will assist in the proper routing of documents within the court.

The case number typically appears in one of two formats, as shown in the following examples: CV 17-00010-PHX-DJH        or        2:17cv00010 “CV” is the case type. 

Case types assigned by the Court include Civil (“cv”), Criminal (“cr”) and Miscellaneous (“mc”). The number 17 represents the year the case was filed. The number 00010 is the number of the case. The first case filed in a particular year for each division is “1,” and so on. “PHX” or “2:” represents the division. 

Divisional office identifiers include Phoenix (PHX or 2), Prescott (PCT or 3), Tucson (TUC or 4).

What is the filing fee?

What is the filing fee?

The filing and administrative fee for a civil action, suit, or proceeding is $402.00. Attorneys are required to submit all new civil case filing fees electronically by credit card through the ECF system. Please refer to the Fee Schedule for a complete list of fees that the District of Arizona charges.

What is the mailing address?

What is the mailing address?

United States District Court
District of Arizona - Phoenix Division
Sandra Day O'Connor U.S. Courthouse, Suite 130
401 West Washington Street, SPC 1
Phoenix, AZ 85003-2118

United States District Court
District of Arizona - Tucson Division
Evo A. DeConcini U.S. Courthouse
405 West Congress Street, Suite 1500
Tucson, AZ 85701

Where do I file pleadings?

Where do I file pleadings?

Attorneys filing in the District of Arizona are required to file electronically.  Documents that are not to be filed electronically per the Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual may be filed at these locations:

The Phoenix Division is comprised of the following counties: Maricopa, Pinal, Yuma, La Paz and Gila.  All documents that are not subject to electronic filing are filed and maintained at 401 West Washington Street, Suite 130, Phoenix, Arizona.

The Prescott Division is comprised of the following counties: Apache, Navajo, Coconino, Mohave and Yavapai.  All documents that are not subject to electronic filing are filed and maintained at 401 West Washington Street, Suite 130, Phoenix, Arizona.

The Tucson Division is comprised of the following counties: Pima, Cochise, Santa Cruz, Graham and Greenlee.  All documents that are not subject to electronic filing are filed and maintained at 405 West Congress Street, Suite 1500, Tucson, Arizona.

Where do I find information on court statistics?

Where do I find information on court statistics?

Various information is available through the Administrative Office of the United States Court.

Where is the office located?

Where is the office located?

PHOENIX - The courthouse is located at 401 West Washington Street, on the southwest corner of 4th Avenue and Washington Street.  Click Here for more details.

TUCSON - The courthouse is located at 405 West Congress Street, on the southwest corner of Congress and Granada.  Click Here for more details.

FLAGSTAFF - The courthouse is located at 123 North San Francisco Street.  Click Here for more details.

YUMA - The courthouse is located at 98 West 1st Street.  Click Here for more details.

KINGMAN - When court is scheduled at this location, visit the Mohave County Superior Court, 401 East Spring Street.  Click Here for more details.

GRAND CANYON - When court is scheduled at this location, visit the Post Office and U.S. Magistrate Judge Courtroom.  Click Here for more details.

PAGE - When court is scheduled at this location, visit the Wahweap Ranger Station.  Click Here for more details.